The OWL API Tools is a set of tools and add ons for the OWL API.

The OWL API Tools include the following components:

  • concurrentimpl: multithread safe internals for the OWLAPI. Access with ThreadSafeOWLManager. This module was developed mainly by Ignazio Palmisano
  • suggestor: an API to simplify recurring tasks that use a reasoner. Uses OWLKnowledgeExplorerReasoner, which works with FaCT++ or JFact. This module originated in the CO-ODE project.
  • atomicdecomposition: a reasoner independent, self contained implementation of atomic decomposition and modularisation. It is a port of the same tools implemented by Dmitry Tsarkov in FaCT++, based on Chiara del Vescovo's work on atomic decomposition. It can be used in Java without JNI and without FaCT++. The maintainer of the Java version is Ignazio Palmisano.

For support, questions, bug reports, strongly worded opinions and complaints, you can use the ticket facilities. Ignazio tries to keep an eye on them, but, should you find him asleep, you can send an email on the OWL API mailing list.